Wednesday, 2 January 2019

My 2019

I don't really think that pertukaran angka ni adalah satu titik permulaan.  ehek.

Okay,  maybe ongoing plan.  *because I tak excited 😂

Alright, takpe. Abaikan. 

It's just a number. and i dah 27. Fuhh.. Alhamdulillah!  Tak percaya, three more years dah 30. walaaaaweh.

InsyaAllah,  for this upcoming 365, more opportunities to grab. Kalau di sia2kan oleh diri sendiri. That's all on me. Allah bagi yang baik2 dah, tinggal kita nak usaha je. aite?

For my past, I had enough. This is the time for me to go beyond. Goodbye past 🌿

Am I useless?

Ada waktu, we will felt like 'we good for nothing'. Talk to my husband, that I'm so sorry.  He. who actually feed me, give me p...