Friday, 31 March 2017
Thursday, 30 March 2017
it's bilingual to understand
Wednesday, 29 March 2017
Reminder dari aku kepada kau.
Kalau jadi manusia, jangan pasang angan untuk ke syurga, kalau yang kita tahu adalah cuma dengan "berkata-kata"
Kalau jadi manusia, jangan sibuk menjaja cerita manusia lain, kau juga manusia, kerana kita semua cuba cari redha Dia. bukan kau sahaja, kita. ingat kita.
Kalau jadi manusia, jangan mudah sangat melatah tentang sikap dan perangai, kerana kita ini manusia, alpa. memang yang mudah menjadi susah, yang susah, lagi di tambah sukar dengan menempah neraka.
Kata-kata, itulah yang mudah menempah tempat kita di neraka. azabnya, nauzubillahimindzalik.
Allah berfirman: “Bukankah Kami telah memberikan kepadanya dua biji mata, lidah dan dua bibir. Dan Kami menunjukkan kepadanya dua jalan (jalan kebajikan dan jalan kejahatan).” - Surah al-Balad: 8-10
Manusia, jangan suka akan kata-kata. Bukan juga di suruh benci akan kata-kata. Tapi, jaga-jaga. jangan sampai neraka kita tempah dengan segera.
Keep on singing this two masterpiece. still the melody won't fit my heart, but you know the lyrics so into me. ehek. bai
Tuesday, 28 March 2017
Torn into two
Thursday, 23 March 2017
22nd march 2017
Allah lebih tahu jantung kita berdegup sampai bila.
Maka biar terhenti tepat pada waktunya.
Wednesday, 22 March 2017
Even when the musics gone
Yes, true love never ends.
No matter what happens in our life, it still lives inside.
People say they moved on, but no matter what there is always an immortal pain deep inside.
It can be felt no matter how much they try to convince and believe that they have moved on. To deny this is just that they are denying to believe that they once had a true love.
Tuesday, 21 March 2017
Move on
kalau sayang, lepaskan.
biar terbang.
kalau cinta, senyumlah,
biar duka hilang.
kalau benar bukan dia,
datang dia dengan baik,
pulangkan juga hati dan harimu dengan baik.
sayang, lepaskan.
biar kau juga terbang.
Monday, 20 March 2017
Tuhan utus untuk bawa pergi
Angin kencang.
Bawa rindu pergi.
Terima kasih Tuhan atas waktu buat kami.
Monday, 13 March 2017
Coko late. Ai don wan tu spel it rite
Chocolates aren't beautiful as flowers. But they are sweet as sweets.
Sunday, 12 March 2017
Bila April tiba
April benar menceriakan aku dan kita.
Tapi sayang, April kita sudah lama tamat.
An open letter to the girl who's still trying
Hey girl, you love him truly. Don't you? Isn't he your first thought in the morning and last in the night? You always check your phone to see if there is any call or text from him. You always want to spend time with him because that makes you happy. He is your first priority. Isn't he? But girl does he consider you this much special? Are you his first priority? No.
You are losing your sleep for him but he is sleeping well with a different other girl on his mind. You are waiting for his texts but he is probably texting that 'other girl'. Because you are not the one he wants. Maybe you are one of his wants. But do you deserve this? No.
You try to move on but again he comes and gives reply to your text which you sent him three days ago. He again talks to you and makes you feel special. He tells that he misses you and that makes you feel like to do everything for this guy. He says he doesn't like that you talk to other guys. That makes you feel like to leave everything and do everything just to keep him pleased.
He can control your emotions and only he can. How nice! But then he is gone again. No actually he is there but not for you. He is posting on social media and hanging around with his friends. And there you are, waiting for him to come. Don't worry he will text you again when he feels like.
But girl you don't deserve this. You deserve someone who makes you feel like you are the one. And loves the imperfect you perfectly. So forget about him. Because if you are not the girl he is giving his all to, then he should not be the boy whom you are still dedicated to.
-A girl who finally gave up.
Saturday, 4 March 2017
Cinta kayangan
Bicara Tuhan itu lebih indah dari cinta yang kita kejar sekarang. Yang tinggal hanya sekeping hati belum tentu hitam atau putih jalannya. Biar yang ditunggu ke Syurga. Jangan cuma jatuh bawah tangga.
Am I useless?
Ada waktu, we will felt like 'we good for nothing'. Talk to my husband, that I'm so sorry. He. who actually feed me, give me p...
Kau dan waktu bersendiri. Aku tahu, kau masih butuh waktu untuk kenali diri dan fisik rasa yang tertinggal. Aku juga tahu, kau masih kal...
Hati Kepilan sedikit di buka, indah..berbagi-bagi hati Tarikhnya aku tiada. Hari pun tak aku tahu apa hurufnya. Kalau kegelisahan y...
Here is the story of EL and JAY. Wrote it in the poem form. Kalau guna cerita, panjanggggg. So.....let's begin. EL: A good lass. J...